
We are DB Trans s.r.o.

What services do we offer

We provide all transport services throughout Europe. We have modern vehicles at our disposal, which are a guarantee of the quality of all services offered. We choose only reputable brands from suppliers, thus ensuring maximum reliability. All vehicles are equipped with a tracking system. We have constant control of the vehicle and goods throughout the transport.

Transport by refrigerator semitrailers

We have refrigerated semi-trailers with the possibility of setting the temperature.

Transportation of full truck orders

We will deliver your goods on time and without damage.

Transport with high-volume semitrailers

We have large-volume semitrailers for the transport of voluminous loads.

Transport of special metallurgical products by coil semitrailers

We have tarpaulin semi-trailers with a coil for the transport of rolls.

Transport of piece shipments

We will also arrange the transport of piece shipments.

Are you interested in our services?

Enter the shipping request

Libor Korčík
Head of dispatching room

Helena Nevyjelová

Personal data will be processed in accordance with the principles of personal data processing..